Author: Catherine Weber

Art On the Trails Launches 7th Year

Art On the Trails Launches 7th Year

Southborough Open Land Foundation and Art on the Trails Program Director Catherine Weber are pleased to announce the call for art for the 7th annual juried exhibition, Art on the Trails: Transformation. The exhibition will be juried by Hopedale artist and teacher Sarah Alexander. With 

Art on the Trails Receives Grant from Southborough Community Fund

Art on the Trails Receives Grant from Southborough Community Fund

The Southborough Open Land Foundation and Program Director Catherine Weber are pleased to again be recipients of a grant from Southborough Community Fund. The organizations generous support funds juror and artist stipends, publication of an art and poetry book, and expenses associated with running the 

I’m Here, Still Here awarded Best-In-Show

I’m Here, Still Here awarded Best-In-Show

I’m Here, Still Here, by Hopedale artist Sarah Alexander, has received the Best-in-Show prize in this year’s Art on the Trails. Juror Anne Alexander (no relation to the artist), made the selection from 15 works. The prize comes with $100 and is noted in the 

2022 Art on the Trails: EXPOSURE Gallery of Work

2022 Art on the Trails: EXPOSURE Gallery of Work

This gallery highlights the 15 works in the Art on the Trails exhibition. To watch videos from each of the artists about their work, visit our YouTube channel here.

2022 Art On The Trails Exhibition Opens June 13

2022 Art On The Trails Exhibition Opens June 13

We are pleased to announce the 2022 Art on the Trails: EXPOSURE art selections, chosen by this year’s juror, sculptor Anne Alexander. The following artists will install their work at the Elaine and Philip Beals Preserve on Sunday, June 12. Sarah Alexander, Hopedale, MABill Cohn, 

Call For Art: Art on the Trails: EXPOSURE

Call For Art: Art on the Trails: EXPOSURE

Southborough Open Land Foundation and Art on the Trails Program Director Catherine Weber are pleased to announce the call for art for the 6th annual juried exhibition, Art on the Trails: EXPOSURE. The exhibition will be juried by sculptor Anne Alexander. With the generous support 

Call for Poetry Extended Until August 8

Poets who want to submit but missed the deadline have 4 more days to submit. If you can’t get to Beals Preserve, you can view the works here. Please read the submission guidelines. We are looking for poems about specific works in the show. You 

Call for Poetry Open

Catherine Weber and the Southborough Open Land Foundation are pleased to invite you to visit Beals Preserve, where you will find art installations from local and regional artists. Experience the art and then respond to it in a poem. The top 25 poems submitted will 

Installation Weekend Scheduled for June 12 & 13

The Southborough Open Land Foundation and Program Director Catherine Weber invite the general public to visit Beals Preserve to watch artists install their work for the 5th annual Art on the Trails on June 12th and 13th, from 10 am to 5 pm each day. 

Art Selections for the 2021 Art on the Trails

We are pleased to announce the 2021 Art on the Trails: Mending art selections, chosen by Sarah Montross, Artistic Director/Senior Curator at deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum. The following artists will install their work at the Elaine and Philip Beals Preserve on June 12 & 13: