Art That Speaks: Rising Up Art Draws Crowds

As we reach the mid-point in the summer, and endure the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Art on the Trails has been a popular destination. In a time when most galleries are closed, an outdoor show is the closest many people can get to art this summer. We have seen record visitors, and now, poets are out visiting and writing work in response to the art.

This slide show provides a glimpse into the show.

Continuous Line I (Tangerine)

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Kelly Goff Continuous Line I (tangerine) | Recycled steel, paint | Inquiries, please contact: | Continuous Line I 2020 and Continuous Line II 2020 are sculptural drawings made of recycled steel pipe. The energy of their lines is both fast and slow, frenetic and measured. The paths they trace are continuous yet circuitous. Their trajectories represent the reality of our collective experience as an unpredictable journey in which we necessarily negotiate obstacles and persist. The lines meander and then quite literally, rise up.

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